Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Web 2.0: Multimedia Blog Posting Sem 2_Pre

                       This year I'm taking Spanish 1 and my teach is Mrs. Daniele. But, she likes us to call her Senora Daniele. When Spanish 1 first started I thought that we would start learning all these new words and learn to speak alittle Spanish. I thought we would learn the easy part right from the beginning. I thought this class was gonna be really hard since I do not speak Spanish. Check out Mrs. Daniele's Website for more Information.
                       From the beginning of the school year to now I already have learned so much. We learned about all the Spanish speaking countries and there capitals, how to ask to leave the room (go to the bathroom,nurse, etc.), and even what our names are in Spanish. Now we are learning on the Spanish alphabet we have received a packet and we have to search for Spanish nouns that start with a specific letter. The work we do I think is really fun because you get to write in a different language. I think that Mrs. Daniele's grading policy is very fair. An Average of a 65 is necessary to pass. Our average consists of Quizzes,Tests, Projects, Homework, and Binder checks. It also consists of behavior, participation, reinforcement, and attendance. The Final grade for the year is calculated on four marking period grades and examinations. For more on the grading policy Click Here .
                        During this class I like to do many things. I like to do small projects. This week we had a small project which was a packet that we had to color and print pictures. She gave the packet to us on Monday and it is due Friday. I like field trips but I am not sure if we go on any. Technology is used by using computers to find some facts and to search up what some words mean.


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